
Pyrite from Navajun, La Rioja, Spain


An amazing and quite beautiful specimen of cubic Pyrite from Spain. It features sevencubes of golden Pyrite to 6.6 cm. intergrown with one another to create a fantastic formation that is quite attractive no matter which side you view it from. MUCH SHINIER in person. Unlike most of the specimens from this locality, this unique cluster has NO REPAIRS! A really choice example of this material, with a very graceful composition that is dazzling all the way around. I've included a short VIDEO showing all sides of the specimen.

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SKU: pnp202420 Categories: ,

Additional Information

Weight 49.0 oz
Dimensions 10.6 x 8.6 x 6.7 cm



Navajun, La Rioja, Spain


10.6 x 8.6 x 6.7 cm.


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