
Fluorite Spinel-law twins) from Erongo Massif, Omaruru District, Namibia


A rare and beautiful specimen of Fluorite from the Erongo Mts. in Namibia. It features a cluster of SPINEL LAW twinned Fluorite crystals that display a rich green color with purple accents.Spinel law twinned Fluorite is quite rare, especially from this locality. Lots of interesting details to explore on all sides of this beauty. All in all, a very unusual and quite unique specimen that would make a great addition to any collection.

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SKU: safl202404 Categories: ,

Additional Information

Weight 13.0 oz
Dimensions 6.1 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm

Fluorite Spinel-law twins)


Erongo Massif, Omaruru District, Namibia


6.1 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm.


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