
Yttrofluorite, Calcite from Qinglong Mine, Guizhou Province, China


A small but quite attractive specimen of purple Yttrofluorite over Calcite crystals from a very small find in 2021 at the Qinglong mine in China. This unique specimen features a group of dogtooth CALCITE crystals that are coated by a layer of tiny, rich purple Yttrofluorite crystals. In excellent condition as pictured, with lots of fine details for you to explore all over. Needless to say, one-of-a-kind.

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SKU: ckyf202401 Categories: ,

Additional Information

Weight 12.0 oz
Dimensions 5.6.x 3.0 x 2.2 cm

Yttrofluorite, Calcite


Qinglong Mine, Guizhou Province, China


5.6.x 3.0 x 2.2 cm.


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